Project Updates
Showing 81-100 of 84,981 items.
#Project CodeProject NameDepartmentDistrictPhaseProgress StatusApprove Date
81SPT/khabung to Khasirou IVR Karong/255khabung to Khasirou IVR, Karong, Senapati DistrictPWDSenapati1completed11/02/2025
82SPT/khabung to Khasirou IVR Karong/255khabung to Khasirou IVR, Karong, Senapati DistrictPWDSenapati1completed11/02/2025
83SS/D-2/TuinemRamhonPS 5ACR- UKLConstruction of Dilapidated Building Primary School under Samagra Shiksha, for the year 2023-24 at Tuinem Ramhon Primary School, Ukhrul, Manipur.Education (S)UkhrulNillUnder Construction11/02/2025
84SS/D-2/TuinemRamhonPS 5ACR- UKLConstruction of Dilapidated Building Primary School under Samagra Shiksha, for the year 2023-24 at Tuinem Ramhon Primary School, Ukhrul, Manipur.Education (S)UkhrulNillUnder Construction11/02/2025
85SS/D-2/TuinemRamhonPS 5ACR- UKLConstruction of Dilapidated Building Primary School under Samagra Shiksha, for the year 2023-24 at Tuinem Ramhon Primary School, Ukhrul, Manipur.Education (S)UkhrulNillUnder Construction11/02/2025
86SS/D-2/TuinemRamhonPS 5ACR- UKLConstruction of Dilapidated Building Primary School under Samagra Shiksha, for the year 2023-24 at Tuinem Ramhon Primary School, Ukhrul, Manipur.Education (S)UkhrulNillUnder Construction11/02/2025
87Pol/24-DI/EarthFillingGovtPolytechnic/IWEarth Filling and levelling around the water supply scheme in the Government Polytechnic campus, Imphal WestEducation (S)Imphal-Westnilcompleted 11/02/2025
88Pol/24-DI/EarthFillingGovtPolytechnic/IWEarth Filling and levelling around the water supply scheme in the Government Polytechnic campus, Imphal WestEducation (S)Imphal-Westnilcompleted 11/02/2025
89Pol/24-DI/EarthFillingGovtPolytechnic/IWEarth Filling and levelling around the water supply scheme in the Government Polytechnic campus, Imphal WestEducation (S)Imphal-Westnilcompleted 11/02/2025
90SHD/BPR to Nungsai village 0.7 km/176Impvt of road from BPR to Nungsai Village 0.7kmPWDKangpokpi2023-2024100% completed10/02/2025
91SHD/constn of Bank Building security bloc/183COnstn of Bank building, Security personal block & staff qtr at Bungte chiru SD HQPWDKangpokpi2023-2024Completed10/02/2025
92EE/HS/Impvt MDR Ward No1 Samurou MCImprovement of MDR in Ward No.1 under Samurou MCPWDImphal-West1completed10/02/2025
93EE/HS/Impvt IVR Ward No2 Samurou MCImprovement of IVR in Ward No.2 under Samurou MCPWDImphal-West1completed10/02/2025
94EE/HS/Impvt Maibam Leikai Approach roadIMprovement of Maibam Leikai Approach roadsPWDImphal-West1completed10/02/2025
95EE/BPR/Impvt. of Chandeshwar rd from KwakeithImpvt. of Chandeshwar road from Kwakeithel Chingphu road to Pukhrambam Sanjenbam road-3kmPWDBishnupur1stOngoing10/02/2025
96SS/D-2-PaochamHS Quarter- UKLStrengthening and Residential Quarter under Samagra Shiksha, Manipur during 2019-2020 at Paocham High School, Ukhrul, Manipur.Education (S)UkhrulnillUnder Construction10/02/2025
97SS/D-2-PaochamHS Quarter- UKLStrengthening and Residential Quarter under Samagra Shiksha, Manipur during 2019-2020 at Paocham High School, Ukhrul, Manipur.Education (S)UkhrulnilUnder Construction10/02/2025
98SS/D-2-PaochamHS Quarter- UKLStrengthening and Residential Quarter under Samagra Shiksha, Manipur during 2019-2020 at Paocham High School, Ukhrul, Manipur.Education (S)UkhrulnilUnder Construction10/02/2025
99SS/D-2-PaochamHS Quarter- UKLStrengthening and Residential Quarter under Samagra Shiksha, Manipur during 2019-2020 at Paocham High School, Ukhrul, Manipur.Education (S)UkhrulnilUnder Construction10/02/2025
100SPT/DC road upto Army Camp/81Impt. of road at Senapati DC road upto Taphou Army Camp - 2.50 Kms.PWDSenapatiFirstCompleted10/02/2025