Projects List
Showing 241-260 of 10,029 items.
#CodeNameDepartmentDistrictApproved Project Cost (in Lakhs)Fund Utilized so far(in Lakhs)Source of FundingCreate DateFinancial YearProject Status
241MSPCLC57Supply of Tension Hardware fittings suitable for ACSR (Raccoon) Conductors POWER (MSPCL)Imphal-East14.210.00State Plan20/09/20242023-2024Project Status
242MSPCLC56Supply of 33 KV Pin Insulator (10 KN) POWER (MSPCL)Imphal-East19.940.00State Plan20/09/20242023-2024Project Status
243SS/D-2/NungbiKL 5CRM-UKLConstruction of Dilapidated Building Primary School under Samagra Shiksha (Elementary), Manipur during 2022-23 at Nungbi KL Primary School, Ukhrul, MaEducation (S)Ukhrul73.0473.04Others18/09/20242022-2023Project Status
244MSPCLA3Construction of 400 kV Line on Double circuit towers initially charged at 132 kV from Yurembam to Thoubal via NambolPOWER (MSPCL)Imphal-West498.420State Plan18/09/20242023-2024Project Status
245SE-I/DAR/23-24/IE-R1.21 Heingang A/CImpvt of roads in the vicinity of Heingang A/CPWDImphal-East80.0016State Plan18/09/20242023-2024Project Status
246MSPCLB24Operation and maintenance of 132 KV Ningthoukhong - Churachandpur Transmission linePOWER (MSPCL)Churachandpur19.730State Plan18/09/20242023-2024Project Status
247MSPCLC55Operation and maintenance of 33 KV Kongba-Khuman Lampak Transmission line POWER (MSPCL)Imphal-East38.760.00State Plan18/09/20242023-2024Project Status
248UKL/Lunghar Huishunao Tang to Azing Tang/254Impvt of road from Lhunghar Village huishunao Tang to Azing Tang Bus ParkingPWDUkhrul60.000State Plan09/09/20242023-2024Project Status
249SE-I/DAR/23-24/IE-R1.48 Kyamgei ManingImprovement of road at Kyamgei Maning Leikai, Awang Leikai via Angom Leirak, Huidrom Lambi.PWDImphal-East60.000State Plan06/09/20242023-2024Project Status
250WAB/23-D3/KeishamthongHS-IWRepairing and Renovation of existing Classrooms for the year 2022-23 at Keishamthong High School, Imphal West, Manipur.Education (S)Imphal-West5.000State Plan06/09/20242022-2023Project Status
251SE-I/DAR/23-24/IE-BDG-Rc.B.06.4 MaibakhulConstn of Bridges across Imphal River at Maibakhul HangelthongPWDImphal-East800.000NABARD06/09/20242023-2024Project Status
252WAB/24-DI/ThangjingChiruPS1ACR/KPIConstruction of 1 (one) ACR at Thangjing Chiru Primary School, ManipurEducation (S)Kangpokpi15.007.15State Plan06/09/20242022-2023Project Status
253SS/23-D3/AngomLawaiUPS(Dila)-IEConstruction of Dilapidated Building Upper Primary School under Samagra Shikhsa (Elementary), Manipur during 2022-2023 at Angom Lawai Upper Primary SEducation (S)Imphal-East61.620CSS / CPS06/09/20242022-2023Project Status
254BD-II/AE-I/Lokayukta 4th floorConstn.of 4th floor at Northern Block of Directorate Complex Bldg.,North AOC,Imphal to be temporarily occupied by Lok Ayukta,ManipurPWDImphal-West71.320Others05/09/20242022-2023Project Status
255SS/24D-I/NetajiSubhashChandraBose/IEConstruction of Govt. Secondary & Hr. Secondary School under Samagra Shiksha for the year 2023-24 at Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Awasiya Vidyalaya, ImEducation (S)Imphal-East44.830Others05/09/20242023-2024Project Status
256SS/D-2/OklongHS 2QTR- SenapatiConstruction of Residential staff quarter under Samagra Shiksha, Manipur 2023-24 at Oklong High School, Senapati, Manipur.Education (S)Senapati48.860Others05/09/20242023-2024Project Status
257SHD/Thangal Surung to Khongaba Kei Dam/253Constn of IVR from Thangal Surung to Khongaba Kei Dam, Saikul Block-3kmPWDKangpokpi60.0018State Plan04/09/20242023-2024Project Status
258SHD/Island Block office to Phura Makhong/252Constn of IVR from Island Block Office to Phura Makhong crossing Island Block -2kmPWDKangpokpi60.0018State Plan04/09/20242023-2024Project Status
259EE/ED-III/Bishnupur/IEI/CIRCUITHOUSERenovation of IEI in the Circuit House at Bishnupur.PWDBishnupur11.000Others04/09/20242023-2024Project Status
260SMDC SHIROI HS 2021-22 TOILET BOYS & GIRLSSHIROI HS 2021-22 TOILETEdu (S) - SSA & RMSAUkhrul9.317.45CSS / CPS03/09/20242023-2024Project Status