141 | SE-I/IW/DRP/2023-24/R1/365-46 DG Bimol Rd | I/o road at Kwakeithel Thounaojam Leirak, Pukhrambam Leirak, Meino Lerak, Wahengbam Leikai and DG Bimol Leirak. | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | Completed | 16/08/2024 |
142 | IED/Bamon Kampu road/879 | Impvt. of Bamon Kampu road near Irilbung Police Station along Iril river | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | In progress | 14/08/2024 |
143 | SE-I/DRP/IE/22-23/Rc.45 Bamon mapa culvert | Constn. of drain from Ningom leirak to Bamon mapa culvert. | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | completed | 31/07/2024 |
144 | SE-I/DAR/23-24/IE-R1.13 Khabam Mayai Leikai | Impvt of road on Khabam Mayai Leikai IVR. | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | Completed | 20/08/2024 |
145 | IED/Heingang Thongkhong-Saya club/850 | Impvt. of road along the Imphal river from Heingang Thongkhong to Saya club | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | Completed | |
146 | SE-I/DAR/22-23/IW-R1.111 Sorbon Thingel | Impvt of road along Sorbon Thingel | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | Completed | 03/09/2024 |
147 | SE-I/DRP/IE/22-23/R1.50 Santipur portion-A | Impvt. & Widening of road at Kyamgei mayai leikai to Santipur portion-A | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | completed | 31/07/2024 |
148 | SE-I/DRP/2023-24/R1-75 -Pureiromba Leikai | Improvement of road and drain at Nongpok Pureiromba Leikai | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | Completed | |
149 | IWD/Drain-Imphal Kangchup road/278 | Constn. of drain along Imphal Kangchup road | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | inprogress | 04/09/2024 |
150 | SE-I/DAR/23-24/IE-R1.48 Kyamgei Maning | Improvement of road at Kyamgei Maning Leikai, Awang Leikai via Angom Leirak, Huidrom Lambi. | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | completed | 09/09/2024 |
151 | BRD/Bridge-Uchekon Kongba/26 | Constn. of Bridge over Kongba River at Uchekon Kongba | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | completed | |
152 | SE-I/DAR/22-23/IW/R1.138 Makha Awang Leikai | Improvement of IVR from Awang Potshangbam main road to Maning Leikai to Makha Awang Leikai | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | Completed | 08/08/2024 |
153 | SE-I/DAR/22-23/IE-R1.53 Makhong to Karampalli | Impvt. of road at Arapti Heining Makhong to Karampalli | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | 100% | 06/08/2024 |
154 | IED/Govindaji Temple road/806 | Impvt. of road in front of Govindaji Temple from Andro Parking road to Mahabali road | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | completed | 07/08/2024 |
155 | IWD/Kanto Sabal-Shantipur/214 | Impvt. of road from Kanto Sabal to Kanto Shatipur (Lamkhai) with constn. of roadside drain | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | completed | 06/08/2024 |
156 | SE-I/BDG/DRP/2023-24/C1/B16-3 90 ft. Bailey | Construction of 90 ft. Bailey Bride over Nambul River at Akham Mayai Leikai. | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | On Going | |
157 | SE-I/DAR/23-24/IE-BDG-Rc.B.06.4 Maibakhul | Constn of Bridges across Imphal River at Maibakhul Hangelthong | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | Ongoing | 18/09/2024 |
158 | SE-I/DAR/22-23/IE-R1.54 Keirao Awang leikai | Impvt. of road at Langdum Chingya & Keirao Awang leikai | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | 100% | |
159 | SE-I/IW-DRP/2022-23/R103-2 Lairenhanjab | Widening of Road from Thangmeiband road to Lamphelpat road via Lairenhanjab Leikai | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | na | |
160 | SE-I/DAR/22-23/IW/R1.133 Khunou - Tengdongyan | Improvement of Khonhampat Khunou & Tendongyan | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | Completed | 08/08/2024 |