21 | SE-I/DAR/22-23/IE-R1.74 Harikhagok Makhong | Impvt. of Harikhagok Makhong Road via Advanced Hospital | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | Completed | |
22 | IED/Ngathokpi Road/894 | Improvement of Ngathokpi Road. | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | completed | 16/07/2024 |
23 | IED/Porompat Road_2-Sabal Leikai/893 | Improvement of Porompat road No. 2 in and around Sabal Leikai | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | Completed | 16/07/2024 |
24 | SE-I/DRP/2023-24/Rc-98 - foothpath Dingku Rd | Construction of foothpath for Dingku road, Imphal East | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | completed 100 pc | 11/07/2024 |
25 | IED/Nongada Awang-Chingnungkhok/827 | Improvement of road from NH No. 202 Nongada awang Leikai to Chingnungkhok | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | 20 mm pc completed | 16/07/2024 |
26 | SE-I/IW-DRP/2022-23/R104-3 Hijam Leikai NIYOC | Improvement of road from Khoyathong to Hijam Leikai via Lupa Marup and NIYOC Club | PWD | Imphal-West | -- | 100% | 20/05/2024 |
27 | IED/Bamon_Tharoijam via Paonam leirak/895 | Impvt. of Bamon leirak, Tharoijam leirak via Paonam leirak | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | completed | 17/07/2024 |
28 | IED/Idigah Road(Ph-2)-Kheikhu/892 | Improvement of Idigah Road Phase 2 in and around Keikhu | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | Completed | 16/07/2024 |
29 | SE-I/IW-DRP/2022-23/R104-3 Hijam Leikai NIYOC | Improvement of road from Khoyathong to Hijam Leikai via Lupa Marup and NIYOC Club | PWD | Imphal-West | -- | na | |
30 | IWD/KantoShantipur-cooperative/SE-I/014 | Impvt. of road from Kanto Shantipur to Co-operative | PWD | Imphal-West | -- | completed | |
31 | SE-I/IW-DRP/2022-23/R102-1 Naga M to Lamph | Improvement of road from Nagamapal to Lamphelpat road via Kangjabi and Khomdram Selungba Leikai | PWD | Imphal-West | -- | na | |
32 | IED/Porompat road No. II/902 | Impvt. of Porompat road No. II | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | Completed | 16/07/2024 |
33 | IED/Return Wall-Top Khongnangkhong Bridge/862 | Contn. of Return Wall at Top Khongnangkhong Bridge, Kshetrigao A/C, Imphal east | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | Completed | 17/07/2024 |
34 | IED/Pangantabi-Saugram/339 | Impvt. of Purum Pangantabi to Purum Saugram Nepali Ring Road (SH: SG, WBM, PC) | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | Completed | 16/07/2024 |
35 | SE-I/DRP/IE/22-23/R1.68 Phurailatpam colony | Improvement of drainage system in Phurailatpam Colony | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | Completed | 31/07/2024 |
36 | SE-I/DRP/2023-24/Rc-98 - foothpath Dingku Rd | Construction of foothpath for Dingku road, Imphal East | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | completed 100 pc | 11/07/2024 |
37 | IED/Standard College Road/882 | Improvement of Standard College Road. | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | Completed | 16/07/2024 |
38 | SE-I/DRP/IE/2023-24/RM-20 Nungoi Awang Leikai | Impvt. of road from NH-202 Sawombung Thongkhong to Nungoi Awang Leikai | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | completed till 20 mm pc | 16/07/2024 |
39 | IED/Drain-Leitanthem Maning leirak/545 | Construction of Drain at Leitanthem Maning Leirak of Kakwa Police Station | PWD | Imphal-East | -- | Completed | 06/11/2024 |
40 | SE-I/IW/DRP/2023-24/R1/128-18 Mayanglangjing | Improvement of IVR at Mayanglangjing Taning from Mayanglangjing Bridge to Awang Leikai to Makha Leikai internal road (SH:- WBM & Premix Carpeting) | PWD | Imphal-West | -- | Completed | 17/07/2024 |