Project Updates
Showing 101-120 of 84,981 items.
#Project CodeProject NameDepartmentDistrictPhaseProgress StatusApprove Date
101MSPCLB16Stringing of 132 kV single circuit line (2nd circuit) on double circuit towers from Kakching to ChurachandpurPOWER (MSPCL)Kakching..
102SS/D-IV/URUP AWANG LEIKAI PRIMARY MADRASSAContruction of Dilapidated building Primary schhool under Samagra Shhiksha for the year 2023-2024 at Urup Awang leikai Primary madrassa,Imphal EastEducation (S)Imphal-East..
103D-IV/Y.K/CFMInfrastructure development of Government college under COLLEGE FAGATHANSI MISSION for the year 2023-24 at Y. K. College,Thoubal, Manipur.Education (S)Thoubal..
104TPD/DAR/2022-23/Rd2/314-09 App Chikim VillageImpvt of Road from Kondong Lairembi to ADC approach Road Chikim VillagePWDTengnoupal1.
105SS/D-IV/URUP AWANG LEIKAI PRIMARY MADRASSAContruction of Dilapidated building Primary schhool under Samagra Shhiksha for the year 2023-2024 at Urup Awang leikai Primary madrassa,Imphal EastEducation (S)Imphal-East..
106NILAPADAMA HR. SEC SCHOOLNilapadama Hr. Sec. School Construction of 1 Library Room 2) Sh Construction of 1 Chemistry Laboratory ) Education (S)Imphal-West..
107SS/D-IV/DIET IMPHAL WEST TEdnImplementation of Samagra Shiksha (Teacher Education) for the Year 2022-23 at DIET Imphal West, Manipur.Education (S)Imphal-West..
108D-IV/LILONG HAOREIBI/CFMInfrastructure development of Government college under COLLEGE FAGATHANSI MISSION for the year 2023-24 at Lilong Haoreibi College,Thoubal, ManipurEducation (S)Thoubal..
109D-IV/LILONG HAOREIBI/CFMInfrastructure development of Government college under COLLEGE FAGATHANSI MISSION for the year 2023-24 at Lilong Haoreibi College,Thoubal, ManipurEducation (S)Thoubal..
110SS/D-IV/URUP AWANG LEIKAI PRIMARY MADRASSAContruction of Dilapidated building Primary schhool under Samagra Shhiksha for the year 2023-2024 at Urup Awang leikai Primary madrassa,Imphal EastEducation (S)Imphal-East..
111SS/D-IV/URUP AWANG LEIKAI PRIMARY MADRASSAContruction of Dilapidated building Primary schhool under Samagra Shhiksha for the year 2023-2024 at Urup Awang leikai Primary madrassa,Imphal EastEducation (S)Imphal-East..
112D-IV/WAIKHOM MANI/CFMInfrastructure development of Government college under COLLEGE FAGATHANSI MISSION for the year 2023-24 at Waikhom Mani Girls College,Thoubal, ManipurEducation (S)Thoubal..
113Senapati CSC/EmeisiphroConstruction of CSC under SBM at EmeisiphroPHEDSenapati1. Completed13/12/2020
114MSPCLC39Installation of 2x5 MVA, 33/11 kV SS along with associated 33 kV line & related civil works at Chingai, Ukhrul District on turn key basisPOWER (MSPCL)Ukhrul....
115MSPCLC39Installation of 2x5 MVA, 33/11 kV SS along with associated 33 kV line & related civil works at Chingai, Ukhrul District on turn key basisPOWER (MSPCL)Ukhrul....
116MSPCLC39Installation of 2x5 MVA, 33/11 kV SS along with associated 33 kV line & related civil works at Chingai, Ukhrul District on turn key basisPOWER (MSPCL)Ukhrul....
117EE/TPL/Impvt of rd frm Forest Gate to H.WanoImpvt of road from Moreh Forest gate to H.Wanomjang villagePWDTengnoupal1.100%07/03/2023
118EE/TPL/Impvt of rd police stn to icp via phscImpvt. of road from Police station to ICP via PHSC Moreh.PWDTengnoupal1.100%27/02/2023
119TPD/DAR/2022-23/Rd2/002Black Topping of road from Sub-District Hospital Moreh to Khujailok BridgePWDTengnoupal1.In Progress16/01/2023
120MSPCLC46Installation of 2x5 MVA 33/11 kV substation along with the associated 33 kV line and related civil works at Liyaikhunou, Senapati DistrictPOWER (MSPCL)Senapati00