Project Updates
Showing 41-60 of 84,981 items.
#Project CodeProject NameDepartmentDistrictPhaseProgress StatusApprove Date
41NEC/16-SainikSchool(Auditorium)-IEConstruction of Auditorium Sainik School, ImphalEducation (S)Imphal-EastNilFront view
42CDL/ Retrofitting of WSS at BeulaRetrofitting of Water Supply Scheme at BeulaPHEDChandelFirstOngoing
43KCG/DARPAN/ROAD(P)/39Impvt. of inter village road in and around Kakching Khunou Municipality area Ward no.1-9PWDKakchingPhase 150%
44UKL/JJM/LeiyaramAug. of W/s scheme at LeiyaramPHEDUkhrul1Ongoing
45SS/D-2-KGBVthamnapokpi- BSPConstruction of KGBV Type-II (Class VI-X) for KGBV Thamnapokpi, Moirang, Bishnupur District, Manipur.Education (S)BishnupurNilLand Development
46Taosang PS Boys Toilet SMDC 2021-22Boys ToiletEdu (S) - SSA & RMSANoneycompletedCompleted
47IWD/Iroishemba-Lamdeng/1Improvement of Iroishemba Bridge to Lamdeng Solid Waste Left out portionPWDImphal-West3Completed
48RUSA-17-WMGC-TBLConstruction of 4(four) class rooms at Waikhom Mani Girl's College, Thoubal District, Manipur.Education (S)ThoubalNillConstruction
49TML/TML Hd Qtr-Council/26Impvt. of Tamenglong Hd Quarter to Council JunctionPWDTamenglong1Completed
50MEV-18-NAugmentation of Water Supply Schemes for Thoubal (Waithoupat)PHEDThoubalPhase-1Ongoing
51IED/Kairang Lamkhai-Bridge/844Impvt. of road from Kairang Lamkhai to Kairang BridgePWDImphal-EastFinalCompleted
52RMSA/D-2-LalitMadhopShar- TBLConstruction of 12(twelve) Rooms for Higher Secondary (Science) Upgradation during 2020-21 at Lalit Madhop Sharma High School, Thoubal, Manipur.Education (S)ThoubalnillConstruction
53AMRUT-I/WSM-I,II,PCDIntegrated Water supply Project for Imphal Planning AreaPHEDOthers1Ongoing
54MOBEDS/Akhui/PHSC BuildingConstruction of PHSC Building at Akhui PHSC, Tamenglong Block, Tamenglong DistrictMOBCTamenglongIn progressAkhui phsc
55RMSA/D-2-AbdulAli Lab- TBLInfrastructure Development of School under RMSA 2021-22 at Abdul Ali High Madrassa, Thoubal, Manipur.Education (S)ThoubalnillUnder Construction
56TML-PHE/NDB/Tamenglong XConstn.of WSS at Tamenglong XPHEDTamenglongPh IIIOngoing
57CCP/DAR/2022-23/R2/387-33 BSF and PearsonmunImpvt. of road linking New Lamka to STC, BSF and Village Pearsonmun on ChurachandpurPWDChurachandpur2022-23completed
58UKL_JJM_SHANGSHAK KHULLENAug. of Water Supply Scheme at Shangshak KhullenPHEDUkhrul1Ongoing
59MSPCLB8Augmentation of Rengpang 132/33 kV SS by installing 132/33 kV Single Phase transformerPOWER (MSPCL)TamenglongX80%
60KCG/DARPAN/ROAD(P)/30Impvt. of Kaopha road, Uchiwa WangmaPWDKakching3rd phase100% completed