Project Updates
Showing 21-40 of 84,981 items.
#Project CodeProject NameDepartmentDistrictPhaseProgress StatusApprove Date
21MOBEDS/Akhui/PHSC BuildingConstruction of PHSC Building at Akhui PHSC, Tamenglong Block, Tamenglong DistrictMOBCTamenglongIn progressAkhui phsc
22NEC/16-SainikSchool(Auditorium)-IEConstruction of Auditorium Sainik School, ImphalEducation (S)Imphal-EastNilFront view
23CCP/DAR/2022-23/R2/387-33 BSF and PearsonmunImpvt. of road linking New Lamka to STC, BSF and Village Pearsonmun on ChurachandpurPWDChurachandpur2022-23completed
24NEC(Oklong)Composite Water Supply at OklongPHEDSenapatiphase .ongoing
2527/8/2012/TSM(PtVII)/MQCD/Marjing Adm Bldg/10Infrastructure Development for Destination & Circuit (SH:- Constn. of Administrative Building, Statues, Landscapping, etc at Marjing)PWDImphal-East1Ongoing
26BD-II/F&G-MTUConstruction of compound fencing and gate for Manipur Technical University, Imphal at ITI ComplexPWDImphal-West170%
27MSPDCL-SAUBHAGYA-050Supply & Erection of all equipments and materials required for implementation of SAUBHAGYA Scheme and additional infra for " SAUBHAGYA" under DDUGJY POWER (MSPDCL)TamenglongNAComplete
28SCERT-BITE-NONEYConstruction of Block Institute of Teacher Education (BITE) Building at Noney, Tamenglong District.Education (S)TamenglongNilCompleted
29Oksu Ningthecha khul UPS SMC 2019-20Additional Classroom Oksu Ningthecha Khul UPSEdu (S) - SSA & RMSAImphal-EastNilComplete
30Tousem Khunou PS - Samagra Shiksha 2019-20Strengthening of School NR under Samagra Shiksha 2019-20 at Tousem Khunou P.S., TamenglongEducation (S)TamenglongNilInprogess
31EE/HS/Impvt of Yumnam HUidrom LOngjam Leirak Impvt. of yumnam huidrom Longjam leirak, Teramakhong to water supply road, yumnam Angachou leirak, Tonapa Leirak and Paobitek Khomei leirakPWDImphal-WestPhase 1In progress
32Langmei hr. Sec lab2 lab, acrEdu (S) - SSA & RMSATamenglong2ndAct, lab
33CDL/ Retrofitting of WSS at BeulaRetrofitting of Water Supply Scheme at BeulaPHEDChandelFirstOngoing
34RMSA/D-2-LalitMadhopShar- TBLConstruction of 12(twelve) Rooms for Higher Secondary (Science) Upgradation during 2020-21 at Lalit Madhop Sharma High School, Thoubal, Manipur.Education (S)ThoubalnillConstruction
35UKL/JJM/LeiyaramAug. of W/s scheme at LeiyaramPHEDUkhrul1Ongoing
36Sinam Noida Upper Primary SchoolUpper Primary SchoolEdu (S) - SSA & RMSAImphal-WestFinal installmentCompletion
37Taosang PS Boys Toilet SMDC 2021-22Boys ToiletEdu (S) - SSA & RMSANoneycompletedCompleted
38Moposu PS Senapati-Samagra 2019-20Strenthening of School NR under Samagra Shiksha 2019-20 at Moposu Primary School, Senapati District (SH: Construction of 2 ACR, Toilet and Kitchen)Education (S)SenapatiNilInprogess
39EE/ACP/BD-I/PWDBeautification with ACP cladding of PWD Complex Block A&D Building at Khuyathong Imphal.PWDImphal-WestPhase II20%
40HSD/Keishampat Mutum Leirak/15Improvement of Keishampat Mutum Leirak, IVR connecting Kangabam Leikai to Thiyam Leikai, Leimajam Leikai PYDC to Khwairakpam Leikai culvert i/c connecPWDImphal-West1Ongoing